
Los cuidados del kalanchoe

Cada vez es más frecuente ver en tiendas y viveros esta hermosa planta de hojas carnosas y abundantes racimos de pequeñas flores de vivos colores (normalmente rojo, naranja, amarillo o rosa). El kalanchoe o calanchoe es una planta muy agradecida y fácil de mantener. Para tenerla contenta basta con colocarla en un lugar con abundante luz indirecta, escatimar los riegos (el exceso de agua suele ser la principal causa de su muerte) y facilitarle humedad ambiental sin espolvorear el agua directamente sobre ella. Un baño bien iluminado es un excelente lugar en el que ubicarla. En periodo de floración, ayúdela cada quince días con un buen abono líquido. Para que vuelva a florecer la próxima primavera, debe pasar el invierno en un lugar fresquito libre de las heladas.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

INNOVAPLANT Costa Rica don´t know what's Corporate Social Responsability!

In Sarchi (Canton Valverde Vega), a little and nice turistic-farming district in the Central Valley of Costa Rica, the company INNOVAPLANT, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kientzler Group of Germany, one of the largest producers of ornamental plants in the country - and rarelly certified with ISO 14001 standard has some deplorable practices with a huge quantity of plastic material they discard after use it as cover in their greenhouses.
The issue is that they give those used covers to some little farmers from the zone. Those farmes not necessaryly need it in their plantations and very often a lot of this plastic films ends in empty shares in periferic zones of the community...
For me, it is a easy way of Innovaplant to take no part in the addecuate dispossal of this contaminant and to reject the responsabilities they have with those material they bring about... and progressivelly the environment in the this beatiful land is being seriouslly polluted.
We really want to know what do autorities and third party actors propose to do with this entreprise ??? That is a good example of what CSR isn't!!!